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  • Discover the types of printing

    Découvrir les types d'impression

    Until September 11th at Cadeau, we present to you the exhibition '50 artists, 50 posters'. So you will have understood, we have posters from ceiling to floor! It features a diversity of styles, sizes and printing techniques. For the occasion, we thought it would be good to give some explanations on three different types of printing that our artists use to print their art.



    Risography is a type of mechanical printing that lies between screen printing and offset. The history of risography begins in 1946, in Japan, when Noboru Hayama created his RISO-SHA printing workshop. The technique was subsequently commercialized in 1980 by the company RISO, which means “ideal” in Japanese. It prints from a machine that is similar to the good old photocopier: the duplicopier.

    How it works?

    Risography is a cold inkjet printing process, which causes the ink to take some time to dry.

    When printing, the stencil is wrapped around a drum which is filled with ink. Then the paper passes through the machine, which turns the drum at high speed. The color is thus transferred to the support.

    Risography works by color layer, that is to say that only one color is printed at a time and the same sheet must be passed through the machine several times to print several colors. There is therefore a slight shift which makes each print unique.

    Risography is recognized by its particular printing texture and its vibrant colors that other types of printing cannot achieve. This is caused by its non-standardized palette which does not use CMYK four-color process.

    Unlike the others, it requires cold drying and thus enormously reduces its ecological footprint. Its inks are made from a vegetable base and contain no solvents or minerals.

    Riso color chart available from our friends L'apricot



    Screen printing (from the Latin sericum meaning silk and the Greek graphein meaning writing) is a versatile printing technique that works on the stencil principle and allows printing on virtually any flat surface.

    It was created by the Chinese during the Song dynasty (960-1279). The strong Chinese emigration to the United States in the 19th century marked the entry of screen printing into the modern era. Its popularity was immediate and the technique was modernized under the impetus of American industry.

    During World War II, each American encampment had a screen printing workshop for marking military vehicles and camp signage.

    How it works?

    Screen printing works with a system of stencils, interposed between the ink and the destination support. The stencils used in this type of printing allow a high level of detail and a large quantity of similar prints. The colors are perfectly copied and the items are durable and resistant.

    A fabric stretched over an aluminum frame serves as a screen where, through different processes, certain parts are blocked in order to create an image. Using a squeegee, the ink is pushed through the pores of the screen that remain open and is transferred to the support of our choice.

    It is a technique generally called artisanal which can be carried out on different supports, such as wood, paper, glass, fabric, etc.

    However, screen printing also has certain disadvantages. Drying can be long and it is not possible to make color gradients, which can be problematic for certain prints.

    Although this type of printing tends to evolve with the advent of water-based inks, in terms of ecology, it is not the greenest. Screen printing generally uses solvent inks and UV varnishes and the process is also water intensive.

    Follow the Studio Intik Instagram account to see them at work



    The term giclée refers to an art print on a large-format, high-definition inkjet printer that provides near-photographic quality color renderings.

    The term "giclée" is a French word that was first used in art in 1991 by American artist Jack Duganne, a pioneer of art printing on large inkjet printers. format.

    This word perfectly described the principle used to deposit ink in the form of fine droplets diffused by inkjet printers.

    How it works?

    The giclée process consists of a very sophisticated printer (whose nozzles are smaller than a human hair) which sprays millions of microdroplets per second onto the medium (which can be paper or canvas). Each print is launched one by one and checked one by one.

    This process can be used to print works from original illustrations, photographs or digital art. Giclée is unrivaled in conformity to the original work and also in preservation. Artists can faithfully reproduce their colors and details in their artwork, making the print virtually as beautiful as the original work.

    The technique often uses water-based pigment inks.

    Iris at La Bourgeoise Sérigraphe offers this service!


    Here is a brief overview of the main poster printing techniques presented at Cadeau. Do not hesitate to write to us with any questions! We will be happy to help you choose your works for the home!

    To discover our complete selection of posters, visit us online or in store!